How To Clean Alcantara Upholstery!

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Recommended Products can be used in many applications based on their Quality and Cost-Effectiveness. You could always seek alternatives. These are what we use to make our work Simple, Effective while achieving Superior Results.


As a rule, Body Oil will eventually darken any material of the interior and amplify the Sun damage done to the material. Alcantara is no exception to the rule. Unlike other materials found in the interior of vehicles, Alcantara requires delicate cleaning methods. You cannot get aggressive with it such as using a brush while cleaning it. Doing so will ruin the texture of Alcantara.


Recommended Products:

(Clicking on the product’s image will lead you to where to purchase it.)

Alcantara / Upholstery Cleaner: (Dilutable Cleaner. Pick 1 that you like)


Sprayer: (Pick the one that you like)

Microfiber Towels:

Nitrile Gloves:


Vacuum Machine: (Optional if you don’t have one yet)

Detailing Accessory Kit

How To Clean Alcantara Upholstery:

Before any cleaning could be done, you need to vacuum the area to get rid of all the loose debris first. Mix the cleaner with the right dilution ratio printed on the label.

  1. Vacuum the area
  2. Spray the cleaner on to the area and the microfiber towel. You do not want to soak the area wet.
  3. Rub the area with microfiber towel back and forth
  4. Mop up with a dry microfiber towel
  5. Repeat if necessary

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